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Basics Of Microchipping Pets

July 15, 2024

Have you had your pet microchipped? If not, we strongly advise you to get this done as soon as possible. While the microchip is tiny, it can have a significant impact on your pet’s life. In this article, a veterinarian from Brantford, ON answers several microchip-related queries.

What Exactly Is A Microchip?

Officially known as radio-frequency identification (RFID) implants or transponders, microchips are typically as small as a single grain of rice. This is an important device, even though it’s housed in an extremely small container.

Microchips do not transmit or store information. Every chip has a single piece of information: a unique identification number. This is readable with a sophisticated scanner.

Microchips: How Do They Work?

Microchips are passive: they do not produce any data unless they are activated by the scanner. The scanner emits radio waves, causing the chip to broadcast the ID number back to the device. That ID number will then appear on the scanner’s screen.

When Do Microchips Get Used?

Veterinarians and animal shelter staff frequently utilize microchips to check on missing dogs in order to locate the owner. If the pet is chipped, they can contact the owner. Microchips have helped return pets to their owners after long absences, sometimes even years! 

How Can I Have My Pet Microchipped?

Microchipping your pet is a quick and simple process. It will only take a few minutes. It is frequently scheduled in conjunction with spay/neuter surgery for convenience. However, it is also possible to complete on its own.

Is It Painful For Pets To Get Microchipped?

Definitely not! Your Brantford, ON vet will inject the chip with a hypodermic needle. It will be positioned beneath your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. That’s it!

Fido and Fluffy will experience it as similar to getting a vaccination.

Will My Pet Require Recovery Time After Being Microchipped?

No. No recovery time is required. A special treat or a new toy should about do it. (Fido would also request some bacon, while Fluffy wouldn’t mind a new box.)

How Does the Microchip Connect My Pet To Me?

Remember the ID number we mentioned? That number is tied to your records in the chip manufacturer’s database. Once your four-legged companion has been microchipped, you must fill out your information in the chipmaker’s register. For more information, consult with your Brantford, ON veterinarian.

What Happens After My Pet Has Been Microchipped?

Microchipping is primarily a one-time process. It doesn’t even count as surgery. You won’t have to do any special after care. However, you will need to keep up with records maintenance.

If you move or change your email address or phone number, remember to update this information. If your contact information is incorrect or outdated, the chip will not work!

It’s also a good idea to have your veterinarian inspect the chip at your pet’s regular checkups. This is only to ensure that it hasn’t fallen out of place or failed.

Can A Microchip Track Your Pet?

No. Microchips are not compatible with GPS tracking, and they are unlikely (but not impossible) to become so in the future. The rationale is straightforward. GPS systems require some kind of power to function. Obviously, placing batteries in Fido and Fluffy is not a viable option. While we may someday discover a power source powered by purrs and tail wags, we are not there yet in terms of technology.

It’s worth noting that some products, such as pet doors and bowls, can be linked to microchips. A door that links to a chip would allow Fido to enter and exit the yard at will via a doggy door, while keeping that raccoon you’ve seen around out. Or, if Fluffy and Mittens require separate foods, you can acquire bowls that only open for the appropriate feline.

Should I Get My Pet GPS Tags?

GPS tags are an awesome invention! Simply perform extensive research before making a purchase. Several distinct products are available. There are many options for subscription costs, range, technology used, battery life, and water resistance. Some work on Wi-Fi or through cell towers, while others use satellites.

How Long Do Pet Microchips Last?

Microchips currently have a lifespan of around 25 years. That is far beyond the lifespan of most pets. Birds, on the other hand, live significantly longer lives. If you have a microchipped bird, you may need to change Polly’s chip from time to time.

Are Pet Microchips Really Worth It?

That is a resounding yes from us. The microchip is a low-cost, one-time investment that could one day save your pet’s life! This is absolutely a scenario where having something and not needing it is preferable to needing something and not having it.

Can You Microchip Your Pet From Home?

Definitely not! This medical procedure should only be performed by a trained veterinary care practitioner. Trying to accomplish it on your own could go horribly wrong. Not only might you harm your pet, but it’s also illegal in many countries. You could face legal action. In certain regions, this could even be considered animal abuse, which (as it should be) is a felony in many areas.

Is There Any Risk in Having My Pet Microchipped?

Microchipping is a highly secure operation. It scarcely qualifies as a procedure. Your pet may develop some edema and/or irritation. This usually goes away within a day or so. Of course, if the problem persists, contact your Brantford, ON veterinarian immediately. However, that sort of issue is extremely uncommon.

What Are The Advantages Of Microchips?

Microchips operate as an invisible safety net, connecting you and your pet. They have a few features that tags don’t. They are permanent, for starters. They cannot be cut or removed as readily as collars and tags, and your pet will not rip or chew on them.

They are also easy to keep up to date. Simply log in to your manufacturer account and update your details as needed. They are also legally binding.

Will ID tags For My Pet Still Be Necessary?

Absolutely! Tags are still the simplest way for someone to connect you with your pet. In addition, they are legally required in several countries.

Can Modern Smartphones Scan Microchips?

Sadly, no. Smartphones can perform a lot of things, but there are no apps for reading chips. Given that microchips use a distinct technology, this is unlikely to alter.

Can A Magnet Remove Or Attract A Pet Microchip?

No. Microchips do not use magnetism, hence they are unaffected by it.

Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

This is a fundamental aspect of responsible pet ownership. Don’t believe that your pet will never run away. Even the most devoted and faithful pet might be lost or stolen. In fact, one out of every three pets will go missing at some point in their life! Unfortunately, only approximately 10% of pets who are not microchipped will ever return home. Microchips can have a huge impact in this situation. They have helped facilitate the joyful reunions of thousands—if not millions—of missing dogs with their concerned owners, often years after the creature went missing!

Schedule a Microchipping Appointment with Your Brantford, ON Veterinarian

Does your pet need to be microchipped? Make an appointment at your Brantford, ON veterinarian clinic. We’re ready to assist!

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