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Winter Dog Care Tips

December 1, 2023

The holiday season is here … and so is that cold weather. Although we have a ways to go before the worst of that winter weather hits, temperatures are already plummeting. Your canine companion may be wearing a fur coat, but you’ll still need to take steps to protect him from seasonal dangers. A local Brantford, ON vet offers some advice in this article.

Paw Care

Snow, salt, sand, and chemical ice-melting agents are all pretty rough on Fido’s paw pads. Your pooch is also running around barefoot! You can use paw balm or wax to protect your pup’s toe beans. You may also want to opt for pet-friendly ice melting products.


Good grooming will also help protect your furry best friend from the cold. Dead fur and dander interfere with the insulating properties of your dog’s coat. Keep up with Fido’s beauty care needs!

Our canine companions can sport a variety of hairstyles. Some are short and sleek, some are wiry and curly, and others are, well, fluffy. Dogs with thin fur will get cold easily when temperatures plummet, and may need to wear jackets or sweaters. However, if your pooch has a thick coat, then he could actually overheat if you dress him. 

Night Walks

The sun sets early at this time of year. You’ll probably be taking your four-legged buddy out after dark a lot more than usual over the next few months. You may want to get a leash with a built-in flashlight, especially if you’re in a dark area. Wear shoes or boots with good tread, and don some reflective gear to help drivers spot you. Be extra careful when walking Fido right after a snowstorm, as fresh snow can hide potential hazards, such as broken glass or small holes.


Make sure your furry pal has a comfy bed to snuggle up in on cold nights. Senior dogs and pooches with thin coats may appreciate thermal or heated beds. 


While some pups love to run and play in the snow, others absolutely hate getting cold, and will spend most of winter in their beds. It’s important to keep Fido active, even if he doesn’t enjoy going outside. (Tip: You can play Fetch indoors, as long as you have suitable space.) Ask your vet for more information.

Happy Holidays! Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your local Brantford, ON animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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