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Purrfect Ways To Celebrate Happy Cat Month

September 1, 2023

September has gone to the cats: it’s Happy Cat Month! Our feline friends have a special way of putting smiles on our faces, with their adorable antics, charming meows, and charismatic personalities. Fluffy certainly deserves to be happy! Here, a Brantford, ON vet lists some ways to get that motor going.

Offer Your Cat Toys

Kitties are predators by nature, so they have a deep-seated instinctive need to pounce on things. (Fluffy may look more silly than fearsome when she’s practicing her murder skills, but that’s another topic.) Toys and enrichment are very important for your furry friend’s physical, mental, and emotional health! Pick up some new toys for your tiny lion, and make time to play with her.

Give Your Kitty Special Treats

Cats can be finicky, but most of them do have a few favorite snacks. You can give your kitty store-bought treats, but you can also offer Fluffy some plain unseasoned canned tuna or salmon; cooked boneless meat, fish, or poultry; or sliced deli meat.

Provide Your Feline Buddy Catnip

If we were to name one all-purrpose kitty gift, it would have to be catnip. Offering Fluffy some of her favorite plant can be as entertaining for you as it is for her! Of course, not all of our furry pals are susceptible to the effects of this curious mint cousin. If your pet doesn’t care for catnip, try honeysuckle cat toys instead.


Does Fluffy have some furniture of her own? Offer her a comfy window space, or install some cat shelves for her. Setting out footstools and ottomans can help keep older pets comfy, while younger, friskier felines may appreciate toys, kitty play centers, and cat tunnels. Comfy beds, cat towers, boxes, and scratching boards or posts are great options for any kitty.  

Kitty-Friendly Decoration

Kitties are easy keepers, and can adapt to almost any space. However, you can always do something to make your place more pet-friendly. Petproofing carefully is at the top of the list. Remove or secure anything that isn’t safe, such as toxic plants, wires and cords, plastic wraps, chemicals, and medication. Ask your vet for more information.


Pets need love to be truly content. Pay some extra attention to your furry buddy this month. Talk to Fluffy, pet her, play with her, and just spend time with her. Purrs are truly precious!

Is your cat due for an appointment? Contact us, your Brantford, ON pet clinic, today!

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